Wireless@UF Network FAQ
I'm connected to eduroam, why am I here?
If you've been redirected to this website and you are connected to the eduroam wireless network then it most likely means that you didn't use the correct format for your username when connecting, which should be in the format of username@ufl.edu. To correct this issue, return to the main Get Online page and follow the onboarding instructions to fix this issue and restore connectivity to eduroam.
What username should I use with eduroam?
The University supports two types of accounts with Eduroam, Gatorlink accounts and UFHealth Shands/Gainesville accounts (i.e. shands\username). If you have a Gatorlink account, please enter it in the form of username@ufl.edu. If you have a UFHealth account, please enter it in the form of username@shands.ufl.edu. If you have both, please use your Gatorlink account. Simply entering "username" will not work correctly with Eduroam. We encourage all users to use the secure onboarding process found at "getonline.ufl.edu". This process will ensure you use the correct username and that your device is successfully onboarded to Eduroam.
What are the different wireless networks "eduroam" and "ufgetonline" for?
The "eduroam" wireless network is used for general day-to-day network access. The "ufgetonline" wireless network only provides a means to connect to the "eduroam" network and assist in configuration to use it. It points users to the https://getonline.ufl.edu site for assistance with configuring their device. The "ufgetonline" WLAN should generally only need to be used during initial setup for the 'eduroam' network. The "ufgetonline" WLAN could however also be used to access the SecureW2 auto-configuration tool for help correcting wireless configuration issues or to reconfigure your wireless profile after a Gatorlink password change.
Eduroam Wireless Network Security Features
The wireless network on the University of Florida uses several methods to help ensure security for connected devices. Devices connecting to this wireless network will use 802.1x based authentication for secure and easier authentication to the network. All communication across this network will also be encrypted with WPA2 wireless encryption to help ensure user data privacy. This network is also policed by an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) system that validates user device traffic for security compliance before they are allowed to connect to the wireless network.
What is WPA2?
WPA2 is a standard for encrypted communication over wireless networks. WPA2 offers higher level encryption than previous standards like WEP or WPA and utilizes advanced AES-based encryption. This encrypts all communication between the computer and the wireless network.
What is 802.1x?
802.1x is a standard for exchanging secured authentication over a network. 802.1x prevents devices from connecting to a network until they have successfully been authenticated. Using 802.1x authentication also allows for automatic authentication by the device without requiring the user to manually login every time they connect to the wireless network.
How do I configure my device for 802.1x?
Instructions for configuring your device for the campus 802.1x network are available at https://getonline.ufl.edu. Configuration for 802.1x on some devices is fairly easy and on other devices it can be somewhat involved. It is recommended that you use the auto-configuration option if possible as it takes care of several potential installation issues. There are however also manual configuration instructions available via the UF HelpDesk Wiki.
What is SecureW2 JoinNow?
SecureW2 is the auto configuration tool available for configuring client devices for 802.1x wireless. This is the tool that launches when you select "Get Online" at https://getonline.ufl.edu. Once a device is successfully connected to the "eduroam" netwok it should not need to be used again unless the device needs to be reconfigured or if the user's password is changed.
Do I have to run the SecureW2 JoinNow configuration?
You do not have to use the SecureW2 JoinNow tool to configure your device for 802.1x. It does however perform several useful functions. It eliminates common configuration mistakes. It installs the proper security certificate for the authentication servers so your client will trust the servers it authenticates with and not keep asking the user to trust them. The GetOnline process is also updated periodically to address device specific configuration issues that may arise. These items can all be done seperately but the GetOnline process allows it to all be done automatically.
What if the SecureW2 JoinNow auto configuration process doesn't work?
If you are unable to use the JoinNow configuration process for any reason you can try setting up the 802.1x configuration yourself by following the manual configuration instructions. If you are still having trouble getting 802.1x configured please contact the UF Help Desk.
What if my computer fails the security checks?
If your system has been determined not to be in compliance, your computer will be "quarantined" or access to the offending site will be blocked. You will be given a message as to the reason for the failed compliance when it occurs. While quarantined, you will still have access to certain campus UFL sites.